At first, the weather was fine until...............Dee arrived, the rain started to fall and getting more worse with thunderCAT / Lighting Strike when Arch datang..hehehe
Nearly 1.5 hours..Lepak-time at Bus stand..siok jua..but if alone..boring kali ah..guess what our rubbish talks while waiting for the rain to stop (but it never stops..... semua eager to play...)..
The Hot Topic was DRM TENNIS TOUR TO KL organise by Radhi,..(Makan semua di atur...) ok kan...then he sang "I'm only happen when it rains"...hmmm..about PS3 lah..Spidey's Emergency Response DRM Team (DRM on-duty) lah..
Heavy Rain Falls
Creative jua Khai FacTor nie... bola ada spike..danger to all..
League has to postpone next Tuesday with only Court 4 available (paksa datang awal..) , Court 5 & 6 booked only until 6pm.
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