1st Match - The top rank TSPA (Termakan Sudah Pau Atu) team their 1st lost of the league 9-8 defeated by the controversial team, Belia-belia Binjai just came back Pro training from KL.
2nd Match - Anjang Harapan team won their 1st match of the league defeated the favourite Dummy Kill Shot team with 9-3. No excuses lah...hehehee.. practise tak datang for 2 weeks..momentum pun hilang hehehe..dats what we call "*ennis"....
Sad Faces DummY..........Hilang Awesome after kalah..
3rd Match - AnJang Harapan won again????.. Semangat durang ani after defeated DKS (Dummy kill Shot) which team wants to be the next victim??...Seiring sejalan team lah the victim on their 1st game of the league where Anjang Harapan defeated them 9-2. Our DRM Next Top Model Cycle 1 candidates kalah boi....hilang macho..hehehe

Ohhh..Kesian.. Partner not coming.. PTKJ team and Pau Special WYWY... bah main golf saja lah...hahaha...... bah mambali.. setumpok $300 saja..