Monday, May 12, 2008

DRMers JoiNed BSRC/AWE Double TouRnaMeNt 2008

There was no DRM Fun Tennis last week Tuesday & Thrusday due to the BSRC/AWE Double Tournament 2008 which only 3 DRMers joined in the fun - Rijal, Pye and the Captain. Pye and Captain teamed up while Rijal with his friend TSG kali lah..The captain was hoping that most of the Pro DRMers would join the tournament but unfortunately mostly our DRMers' reason was "We are not ready but we are ready & waiting for Grand Slam Tournament" hehehe..

So back to main topic..DRM..!!! Even most of all BSRC Tennis Committe members now know DRM..Glamour lah DRM masa ani...Nothing much Hot Stories on the Tourney...
COngrats to Rijal managed to reach to the Semi-Finalist (Trophy Division) where they lost to one of committe team 6-4, 7-5, 6-2 (maybe lah lupa..hehehe)..Pye & the Captain no need to story lah...Not enough Power Ranger & Powerpuff...Thanks to the BSRC Tennis Section Committe to make the tourney successful..Congratulation to all Winners

Once again, congrats to Rijal on his achievement and voted him Player of the Month April/May plus Azelin & Amirol - DRM Next Tennis Top Model. (

Baru Semi-finalist besar trophynya yoo.. apa lagi Champion....

DRM TeNnis ToP MoDeL

Our Dedy McEnroe.....Pemanas kali ah..

P.S..If any your frens would like to play tennis, just feel free to invite them to join in the fun. And any DRMers would like to come & play tennis..just come to the tennis court and play with us..the captain, pye and radhi play tennis mostly every weekdays 5pm..(msge or msn or email dulu..lagi bagus)

Thanks to our CuBoiArt for our new DRM Fun Tennis Logo..

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