Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Vicious PS3 Team won Semi-final match declared “Greatest Ever Match”
“It feels great to have won the semi-final match. We have been playing very solid tennis from the first set.” said VS PS3. “Pasukan Tennis kg Jaring played very well and we don’t want to receive any excuses that they were not 100% fit. On that night, we had a very good sleep and very happy with the day, first DRM Doublestar tournament ever and we reach the final, VS PS3 added.
“All players played very good tennis match and we have to congratulate them,” said Pasukan Tennis Kg Jaring team. “We don’t want to make any excuses,did try our very best on every single set and game but at the end, luck was not on our side”. Second set, Pasukan Tennis Kg Jaring hit 11 winning points more than Vicious PS3 but was broken 5 times making errors quite similar with 1st set
The No.1 DRM league ranking, Vicious PS3 will play the winner of the Semi-final #1 Anjang Harapan team (Amy – The Drop Killer & Rijal – Winner of BSRC Single Open). Dating back to the league 1st round match last few months, the big guns duo Anjang harapan defeated the mighty Vicious PS3 with the score 9-6 and this upcoming final match will be a “Greatest Double Match Ever in the country”.
Certainly Vicious PS3 team will look to avenge their lost in the 1st round league match to No.2 Anjang Harapan in the final.

Sorry..No Photo Taken..!! :-(
Sunday, August 10, 2008
WeekEnd News: 2 DRMErs Won BSRC Single Tournament
Congrats to both of you...the BSRC Tennis Single Tournament started on last Sunday and ended yesterday with the Prizes Presentation. The Group stages were divided into 4 : Champion, Trophy, Plate and Cup. Rijal and DRM tennis Captain in Trophy group, Azlan Cup group and Havley in the Plate group.
Photo above Rijal was in the group stage, he trashed out all the opponents includes the DRM tennis captain made him top of the league table Trophy group. He won the semi-final match with easy game..handal kali lah..and in the final yesterday, he knocked-out the BSRC Vice-captain with the score 6-4, 7-6. COngrats..
Pye (Havley) what an easy game for him to be the Winner in the Plate group. He totally trashed his indian opponents..belasah abis... 1st match 9-1, 9-2, 9-0 in group stage. Quite tough match as if we look at his Semi-final, but it was easy for him to send his opponent early go home (awal balik kampong..hehehe) with 6-3, 6-3. Then Final..hmm.. defeated his opponent until balik kampong india tarus..heheh..Congrats..
DRM RULES.....................!!!!!!!!
Report Carelessly by DRM Captain
Sorry for the low quality photo
Friday, August 1, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Top 4 Teams advance to Next round -Semi-final
- Pasukan Tennis Kg jaring
- Termakan Sudah Pau atu
Semi-final match 1
Vicious PS3 vs Pasukan Tennis Kg Jaring (Tuesday 29th July on Court 4 - 5pm)
Semi-final match 2
Anjang Harapan vs Termakan Sudah Pau atu (Thursday 31st July on Court 4 - 5pm)
Semi-final Match - Best of 3 sets.. which team wins 2 sets wins the Match.. (Race to 6 games per set) - Same standard as ATP tour..
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
DoubLe Star League 1st Round Final week..
Yesterday Tuesday , despite this is the last week of the league, less interest shown by the other team which only one game played between Termakan Sudah Pau atu vs Vicious PS3. The fun & laughter match ended with Termakn Sudah Pau atu lost 2-9 and still have chance to proceed next round with if they can defeat their next oppponent team.
WTP ToUr PaRty & FasHioN..
Friday, July 4, 2008
Wimbledon FeveR

Calling for Wimbledon Dummy..
Wimbledon miss hit... ooppss..!! mana bola..??
Wimbledon Superfly Volley kill shot.. Wimbledon Victory..!!! (Sir..Paper sir..hehee)
Wimbledon Frustation..N. Djokovic early exit 2nd round.. Wimbledon talks on Grass LongKang..
Wimbledon Sweet Smile...Model.. Wimbledon Handover Captain...
Friday, June 27, 2008
1st Team to reach Semi-Final....Anjang Harapan..

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Is the Pau Still Special? ; Vicious PS3 shows No Mercy..

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
League Update Results..Favourite Score match 69

Doublestar League Complete Table

Friday, June 6, 2008
AnJanG HaRaPan Leads the TaBLe..Advcance to 2nd Round..

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
PasuKan TeNNis KG g JaRing DeFeaTs The No.1 Team ; 2 lost a day for 240!
1st Match for 240! team, for almost a month, they did not turn up for any DRM Fun tennis practise & saja2 turun. 240 ! team (our DRMer Senior) has showed their sporting spirits & the real objective of DRM is not about winning but PLAY FOR FUN although they lost to Anjang Harapan very badly 0-9 (Anjang Harapan tak kasi muka..hantam terusss...) and defeated by PTKJ with the score 9-1.
Below Match statistic does show that 240! team made alot of unforced errors, in other words, giving opponent team free points.. (sedakah banyak2... as they said...). Their comment - Definitely we will be back..be back..for No.1 spot next week...Our game has just begun...!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Pau Eats Pau SpeciaL ; Azlan 230km/h out for 7 to 14 days..

Azlan 230km/h has suffered foot injury and set be rested for 7 to 14 days. He got his left feet twisted during practice session and the injury would be worse without his teammate is a competent medical officer just finished his special medical assignment on foot injury at“KL…..”.
Reminder to all - The TOP 4 teams will proceed to the 2nd round Knock-out Stage (Semi-Final).... Good Luck to all..
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Pau SpeciaL WYWY Lost 1st MaTch..

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
3 MaTcHes ; AnJanG HaRaPan on ToP of the LeaGue; TSPA 1st Lost...

2nd Match - Anjang Harapan team won their 1st match of the league defeated the favourite Dummy Kill Shot team with 9-3. No excuses lah...hehehee.. practise tak datang for 2 weeks..momentum pun hilang hehehe..dats what we call "*ennis"....

Sad Faces DummY..........Hilang Awesome after kalah..
3rd Match - AnJang Harapan won again????.. Semangat durang ani after defeated DKS (Dummy kill Shot) which team wants to be the next victim??...Seiring sejalan team lah the victim on their 1st game of the league where Anjang Harapan defeated them 9-2. Our DRM Next Top Model Cycle 1 candidates kalah boi....hilang macho..hehehe

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
ViCious PS3 takes 3points; PTKJ still fighting for No.1

Monday, May 12, 2008
DRMers JoiNed BSRC/AWE Double TouRnaMeNt 2008

P.S..If any your frens would like to play tennis, just feel free to invite them to join in the fun. And any DRMers would like to come & play tennis..just come to the tennis court and play with us..the captain, pye and radhi play tennis mostly every weekdays 5pm..(msge or msn or email dulu..lagi bagus)
Thanks to our CuBoiArt for our new DRM Fun Tennis Logo..
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
3 Points DuMmy Killed by TerMaKan Sudah Pau atu’s SHoT

Fixtures for next week Tuesday... pls do inform earlier if inda datang..

After above matches completed, may continue the league only on Court 4. (depends on the teams)... on Thrusday..fixtures will be comfirm by Wednesday...
P.S COngrats to DRM Bola FC on your 1st 3points win over TSW in the DRM Kerazy League.. Well Done..!! keep on winning eleven.....
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
WaiTinG At BuS StanD; Rain KeePs FaLLinG...

At first, the weather was fine until...............Dee arrived, the rain started to fall and getting more worse with thunderCAT / Lighting Strike when Arch datang..hehehe
Nearly 1.5 hours..Lepak-time at Bus stand..siok jua..but if alone..boring kali ah..guess what our rubbish talks while waiting for the rain to stop (but it never stops..... semua eager to play...)..
The Hot Topic was DRM TENNIS TOUR TO KL organise by Radhi,..(Makan semua di atur...) ok kan...then he sang "I'm only happen when it rains"...hmmm..about PS3 lah..Spidey's Emergency Response DRM Team (DRM on-duty) lah..
Creative jua Khai FacTor nie... bola ada spike..danger to all..
League has to postpone next Tuesday with only Court 4 available (paksa datang awal..) , Court 5 & 6 booked only until 6pm.